Efaktura identifier query

Lookup efaktura identifier using personal information. The identifier is used for addressing efaktura invoices when not using SSN directly on the invoice

Optional URL parameters that can be used for lookup

typeMust be set to the value lookup in order to perform a lookup
sender_orgnoIf used, will also check if receiver have accepted sender
ssnSocial security number. Pretty characters not allowed
name_firstFirst name
name_lastLast name
emailE-mail address
phoneFull phone number. Pretty characters not allowed
bornDate of birth. YYYY-MM-DD
address_streetFull street name and number
address_postal_codePostal code. Pretty characters not allowed
address_postal_placePostal place / city
address_country2-character iso-code. Defaults to NO
efakturaidentifierIf you already have the identifier and want to validate that receiver accepts sender_orgno

Example: /efakturaquery?type=lookup&ssn=123456789

Authentication follows standard Distribution authentication

404 response means identifier not found.
200 OK response will return the identifier in the response body